Blow “Steve” Jobs, and his iTunes 4.9
Hello Tony,
I am a frequent listener of Dragonradio, I really enjoy your show and always look forward for the latest
release. Yesterday iTunes 4.9 was released with podcasting support, so I was wondering if you will
sign up at their website so people can subscribe to your podcast from within iTunes.
best regards
Hello Andreas,
Actually, I downloaded it too and tried to add my podcast, but:
A.) I dont like the fact that I MUST have a .Mac account to register my podcast (hello… Microsoft!)
B.) Dont have a U.S. Credit Card (I live with the other HALF of the world population, in Asia!)
You know they really hammer you to join .Mac during and after the Tiger upgrade too.
So, for now, no I will not….but hope to soon!
Thanks for listening,
Listen for a new show early Next Week!
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go to menu Advanced>subscribe to podcast> [type in
voila. Is PC itunes different?
oddly my podcast directory button doesn’t work, or am i pressing the wrong bit?
Use the Advanced>Subscribe to Podcast… in the iTunes menu. Enter the RSS URL for DragonRadio in the URL box, and click OK. Voila! DragonRadio goodness in iTunes Podcast. 🙂
Or for the lazy ones: Drag the “RSS with Podcast” from FireFox and Drop it onto the Podcast pane in iTunes. Then it loads the latest DragoRadio podcast automagically..
Thanks to everyone for the instructions.
One of my other listeners has a MAC account and he will add me to the MAC iTunes Directory.
I was not worried about people being able to hear it using iTunes, I was more peeved that it is such a hassle to add my podcast to the MAC directory when EVERY OTHER directory is simple and free 🙂
I would understand if Apple turned down my podcast for the fear of MP3 stealing, but that is another story ….
I can’t blame you – Apple sucks (even tho I use Macs and prefer it to Windows, Apple as a company is no better than MS). But anyway, I’m glad you’ll be added to iTunes (even tho the upgrade has currently killed my iTunes)
Thanks for posting a pic of your studio space Tony . Looking forward to the next show. LM-Oaxaca Mex
i couldn’t submit my podacast feed also .